Tuesday, March 25, 2008

What do you have against NEP?

The Needle Exchange program is a harm reduction program that focuses on providing addicts with clean needles in order to reduce the number of HIV infected drug addicts. Yes, I know what you are thinking! Why is this program encouraging addicts to continue shooting heroin and other drugs? Folks, it is so easy to judge people; however, you need to understand that the usage and drug abuse is indeed an addiction. On the contraire, no one wants to grow up and be a drug addict; people do NOT choose such path.
Anyhow, this program does not only give addicts clean needles, it encourages them to seek further treatment and tests them for HIV. Anyone who has had an addiction of any kind can testify that it is very hard to stop from one day to another. People who are addicted to a substance that makes them feel good cannot stop. It takes more than self control; it takes years of rehabilitation and treatment. Also, many addicts have other issues that need to be resolved such as problems at home, depression, and body image among many others.
I am not going to lie, I am a big advocate for this program and I truly see the need of this program among our society. Although one may think that this program advocates drug usage, I will contradicts and say that addicts deserve a second chance and they do not bring it upon themselves. Give a helping hand and you will eventually get yours! =]

Hoy tengo ganas de tí

Hoy tengo ganas de ti.

Hoy tengo ganas de tenerte entre mis brazos, de darte un beso en la boca hasta decir basta. Sin embargo hoy no puedo, mi orgullo no me lo permite, me pican los dedos tengo ganas de escribirte…me duele la cabeza no dejo de pensarte, pero es que este orgullo idiota no me lo prohíbe. Se que sentías lo mismo que yo sentía por que para lo que paso entre tu y yo se necesitan dos personas. Que juego tan peligroso fue el que jugamos, fue un juego en donde las emociones no podían involucrarse, un juego peligroso en el que tu y yo fuimos protagonistas. Es que este juego tan malicioso acabo con lo poco que quedaba entre los dos. Ahora somos como dos extraños que si nos ven por la calle nadie se atrevería a reconocer o juzgar las llamas que ocurrieron entre tu yo. Es que los dos somos extraños ya ni un hola intercambiamos, si nos vemos no nos reconocemos y nuestros encuentros son nada mas que agrios y vacíos, sin embargo este será nuestro secreto.